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Only Murders in the Building Wiki
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The Murder of Tim Kono was the case investigated during the first season of Only Murders in the Building.


See also: Timeline

The investigation began on January 16th, 2021 and ended in March 2021.

The official NYPD investigation was led by Donna Williams, who was on the scene after the alarm was raised. She declared it a suicide and closed the case. The trio began their own investigation after this, releasing their podcast about it. Detective Williams' wife Kiara listened to the podcast, prompting Williams to reconsider the case. She revisited the tox report and found that it had not been submitted, and Tim's phone was never sent to the IT department. She remedied these by submitting the report to the lab and sending Tim's phone to Mabel.


Major Suspects[]

Tie-Dye Guy[]

Tie-Dye Guy (later revealed as Oscar Torres) was initially suspected after Charles saw him going up the stairs during the fire alarm. It was revealed during Twist that Tie-Dye Guy was Oscar, Mabel's childhood friend. He confessed that he had gone up to Tim's apartment, intending to confront him and possibly beat him up for his silence over Oscar's false arrest. However, when he was outside Tim's door, he heard a gunshot, and quickly fled the scene. After this story was revealed, Oscar was removed from the suspect list.

Howard Morris[]

Howard was first suspected after a conversation with the trio at the board meeting in Who Is Tim Kono? The trio suspected him because of his hatred for Tim due to Tim's dislike of his cat Evelyn. Tim was angry that Evelyn kept wandering into his apartment when he was allergic to cats, and threatened to shoot her. This caused Howard to hate him. When Mabel and Charles visited Howard in How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors?, they ruled him out due to a medical condition that means he faints at the sight of blood. Jan later urged them to reconsider their decision in ruling Howard out, but he was never seriously revisited.


  • Oliver first suspected Sting in episode 3, How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors?, when Sting was cross at Oliver's dog Winnie for licking him. The trio found out that Tim worked for Sting's firm Wright & Ogilvey, and was fired for losing a lot of money. During their interview with Sting, it was revealed that Sting screamed at Tim for losing all the money and fired him, but didn't kill him. Sting felt guilty about Tim's death because he had yelled at Tim in a fit of rage that he should kill himself, and believed that Tim had died because of him. The trio assured Sting that he was not the cause of Tim's death, and Sting was removed from the suspect list.

Mabel Mora[]

Oliver and Charles suspected Mabel in episode 5, Twist, due to her lying about having known Tim. When they saw her with Oscar, who they recognized as Tie-Dye Guy, they suspected that Mabel and Oscar were somehow working together. They followed the pair to Long Island, where Oliver and Charles' doubts about her were refuted as she explained that Oscar was an old friend, and neither of them killed Tim.

Teddy and Theo Dimas[]

Jan Bellows[]

Jan was suspected after Oliver and Mabel found a bassoon cleaner in Tim's sex toy box in Double Time. Their suspicions were confirmed when they broke into her apartment and found a box of poisons labelled "Jan's Lil' Toxins", and a bloody knife hidden in a vent, which she had used to stab herself with. After Charles confronted her with this information, she confessed that she killed Tim. She believed he was seeing somebody else due to the emerald ring he had ordered from Angel Inc. He broke up with her, which cause her to go over the edge. She invited him to her apartment for a breakup drink, which she had poisoned. After giving him a trash bag of his possessions that he had left at her apartment, she sent him on his way. She then followed him up to his apartment and shot him with his own gun. She wrote a suicide note on his laptop and took the emerald ring.

Minor Suspects[]

Ndidi Idoko[]

Ndidi was suspected due to her outburst at the building meeting, where she expressed a desire to have Tim's apartment.

Bunny Folger[]

Bunny was put on the suspect board after the building meeting; she hated Tim as he was overdue on his building fees. Her note on the suspect board reads: "She hated Tim. She doesn't have a soul. [This was presumably written by Oliver] All she cares about is money. She wanted a more likeable - and liquid - resident for the Arconia". Bunny was never seriously investigated, and was ruled out during the audition dream sequence in How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors? She was later fleetingly proposed as a suspect by Jan, who suggested that Bunny evicting the trio was her way of stopping the investigation.

Dr Grover Stanley[]

Grover Stanley was suspected by Oliver, as "a therapist is always a fun suspect," and also because he seemed "desperate." Oliver later ruled him out during the audition dream sequence.

Uma Heller[]

Uma Heller is on the trio's suspect board; the note by her name reads: "Is generally a hateful woman. Tim once yelled at her for smoking (asthma-related)." Uma mentioned this at the board meeting in Who Is Tim Kono? She was ruled out by Oliver in the audition dream sequence.
